Mission and Vision

  • Vision

    The Center for Restorative Justice Works (CRJW) re-weaves the web of relationships that have been torn apart by crime and the policies of the criminal justice system. CRJW serves as a conduit to assist and accompany children, families, and communities in crossing over the barriers that separate them from people in prison. In doing so, CRJW restores relationships and creates public awareness in order to bring about radical transformation of the criminal justice system.

  • CRJW

    The Center for Restorative Justice Works unites children, families, and communities separated by crime and the criminal justice system.

  • Get On The Bus

    Uniting Children with their mothers and fathers in prison.

  • Crossover Mission

    Uniting communities with women in prison community participants come together with women in prison for spiritual reflection and conversation.

  • Transition4Success

    Support positive post-prison outcomes for returned citizens by giving them a sense of self-worth, while also helping them adjust back into normalcy.